What the Leader cooperation is?

The cooperation projects allow the comparison among different realities and experiences, and the transfer of new organizational models and good operative producers through the exchange of information and competences, the creation of national and european nets between professionals and enterprise, the combined realization of products and/or common structures. In addition to the strenthening of the local GAL intervention, this system produces a great cultural impact both on the fulfilment methods of these projects and on the human capital, causing the growing of the participants. In the “Guide for the realization of the cooperation in the field of the Leader Axis of the rural development programmes 2007-2013” the european commission underlines two kinds of possible cooperation:

  • the interterritorial cooperation, that’s to say the cooperation among many rural areas of the same member State. This cooperation deals with a GAL selected in the field of the Leader Axis and it is open also to other local groups which have the same approach.

The transnational cooperation, that’s to say the cooperation among the rural areas of two or more member States. The transnational cooperation deals with a GAL selected in the Leader Axis and other partners, as local groups which have the same approach. Moreover, there is the possibility of extending this cooperation to the groups of other countries, having the same approach. The cooperation projects of the Group of Azione Locale Terra dei Messapi in PSL 2007/2013

GAL Terra dei Messapi Cooperation Project PSL 2007/2013

  1. Itinerari enogastronomici transnazionali per la promozione del modello culturale alimentare del Made in Italy pugliese – TEI.NET (Capofila: GAL Luoghi del Mito)
  2. Progetto Leadermed (Capofila: GAL Alto Salento)
  3. Promuovere il sistema turistico locale pugliese – TUR.PUGLIA (Capofila: GAL Terre d’Otranto)
  4. Corto circuito dei Contadini (Capofila: GAL Conca barese)
  5. Progetto di Cooperazione “La Puglia sposa il mondo” – Expo 2015 (Capofila: Gal Terre del Primitivo)
